
Masquerade allows different locations as sources / output. Here you can find the complete list.


To read from Rabbit use:

> maskrabbitin -dial amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ -channel test

This command will consume the queue and output the content into Standard Output.

To write on Rabbit use:

> cat data | maskrabbitout -dial amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ -channel test

This command will send lines from data file into RabbitMQ.

You can copy a queue using this commands together:

> maskrabbitin -dial amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ -channel topicA | maskrabbitout -dial amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ -channel topicB


HDFS has stdio support, just use is as follows.

To read:

> hdfs dfs -cat data.csv

To write:

> cat data.csv | hdfs dfs -put - data.csv


This services can be accesed with stdio support thru minio-cli

GCS (Google Cloud Storage)

This services can be accesed with stdio support thru minio-cli